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Why Are Saliva Collectors Widely Used By The Public?

In recent years, with the development of medicine, inspection technology has become more and more advanced, and inspection items have become more and more precise. Saliva is a complex mixture that not only contains various proteins, but also DNA, RNA, fatty acids, and various microorganisms. Therefore, it is possible to diagnose diseases through the detection of saliva and to carry out genetic testing and analysis. Saliva sample collection is a method for collecting DNA without causing harm to the human body and without pain. It is relatively easy to be accepted by the public, so it can expand the sampling scope of genetic research and is especially suitable for large population surveys in molecular epidemiology. The following introduces the advantages of saliva collectors.


Product advantages


1. Improve donor care and cooperation through painless, non-invasive sample collection

Eliminate blood draw costs


2. Inhibit microbial growth and DNA degradation by instantly stabilizing samples


3. Saliva DNA samples can be stored for many years at room temperature, are environmentally friendly, easy to carry, and can effectively reduce costs


4. The small, reliable, and sturdy collection kit can be mailed or used on-site, suitable for children or patients who cannot collect blood samples


5. The format compatible with automatic processing can increase the efficiency of sample processing, minimize the sample processing process, and reduce processing errors


6. Suitable for children or patients who cannot collect blood samples


7. Saliva DNA samples can be stored for many years at room temperature, which is environmentally friendly and easy to carry.


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